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All GitHub’s emojis in one place.

📦 Installation

npm install github-emojis

📚 Usage

import { emojis, exists, get, getUrl, parse } from "github-emojis";

// Get all emojis

// Check if an emoji exists
console.log(exists("100")); // true

// Get an emoji by name
console.log(get("100")); // 💯

// Get an emoji url by name
console.log(getUrl("100")); // https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f4af.png?v8

// Parse a string with emojis
console.log(parse("Hello :smile:")); // Hello 😄

If you only want to get the emoji urls, you can directly import the emojis object.

import emojis from "github-emojis/emojis";

All emojis

📄 License

Published under MIT License.