✨ Intercepts imports and resolves them to a CDN URL - useful for places where the filesystem is not available, such as in the browser.
📦 Installation
npm install -D esbuild esbuild-plugin-cdn-imports
📚 Usage
Add this to your build file
import { build } from "esbuild";
import { CDNImports } from "esbuild-plugin-cdn-imports";
const yourConfig = {};
await build({
plugins: [
// Available cdns: "esm", "unpkg", "jsdelivr", "skypack"
cdn: "esm",
versions: {
// The version of the package to use
// If not specified, the latest version will be used
"react": "17.0.2",
"react-dom": "17.0.2"
// This will not be resolved to a CDN URL
exclude: ["@prisma/client"]
📄 License
Published under MIT License.